

Polyhedral Surface Smoothing with Simultaneous Mesh Regularization

14 years 7 months ago
Polyhedral Surface Smoothing with Simultaneous Mesh Regularization
A computer graphics object reconstructed from real-world data often contains undesirable noise and small-scale oscillations. An important problem is how to remove the noise and oscillations while preserving desirable geometric features of the object. This paper develops methods for polyhedral surface smoothing and denoising with simultaneous increasing mesh regularity. We also propose an adaptive smoothing method allowing to reduce possible oversmoothing. Roughly speaking, our smoothing schemes consist of moving every vertex in the direction defined by the Laplacian flow with speed equal to a properly chosen function of the mean curvature at the vertex.
Yutaka Ohtake, Alexander G. Belyaev, Ilia A. Bogae
Added 31 Jul 2010
Updated 31 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where GMP
Authors Yutaka Ohtake, Alexander G. Belyaev, Ilia A. Bogaevski
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