

On Verifying Distributed Multithreaded Java Programs

14 years 6 months ago
On Verifying Distributed Multithreaded Java Programs
Distributed multithreaded software systems are becoming more and more important in modern networked environment. For these systems, concurrency control and thread synchronization make it much harder to do traditional extensive testing to guarantee the quality of the systems. In contrast to testing, software verification under certain formalisms and methodologies usually gives us higher confidence about the system. In this paper, we consider translating some parts of program code that are sensitive to concurrency control into certain formal description so that we can reuse existing verification tools to enhance our confidence in the final code. Java language is gaining increasing popularity in distributed multithreaded system development, and CCS is one of the convenient tools for describing concurrent and multiprocess systems. Under a set of reasonable restrictions, we present a general framework on how to translate the thread control and synchronization portion of distributed, m...
Jessica Chen
Added 31 Jul 2010
Updated 31 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Authors Jessica Chen
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