

Web Query Optimizer

14 years 7 months ago
Web Query Optimizer
We consider an architecture of mediators and wrappers for Internet accessible WebSources of limited query capability. Each call to a source is a WebSource Implementation (WSI) and it is associated with both a capability and (a possibly dynamic) cost. The multiplicity of WSIs with varying costs and capabilities increases the complexity of a traditional optimizer that must assign WSIs for each remote relation in the query while generating an (optimal) plan. We present a two-phase Web Query Optimizer (WQO). In a pre-optimization phase, the WQO selects one or more WSIs for a pre-plan; a pre-plan represents a space of query evaluation plans (plans) based on this choice of WSIs. The WQO uses cost-based heuristics to evaluate the choice of WSI assignment in the pre-plan and to choose a good pre-plan. The WQO uses the pre-plan to drive the extended relational optimizer to obtain the best plan for a pre-plan. A prototype of the WQO has been developed. We compare the effectiveness of the WQO, i...
Vladimir Zadorozhny, Laura Bright, Louiqa Raschid,
Added 31 Jul 2010
Updated 31 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where ICDE
Authors Vladimir Zadorozhny, Laura Bright, Louiqa Raschid, Tolga Urhan, Maria-Esther Vidal
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