MATLAB is one of the most popular languages for desktop numerical computations as well as for signal and image processing applic ations. Applying parallel processing techniques to improve performance of MATLAB codes has been the goal of many recent works. Most current frameworks require the user to specify parallelism and/or information regarding type/shap eof the variables, thereby sacri cing the user friendliness which is one of the most popular MATLAB features. Other systems work on a restricted subset of MATLAB, thereby limiting the class of applic ationsMATLAB can supp ort. We present a runtime system capable of executing MATLAB code in parallel without any user intervention. The runtime system performs automatic parallelization and typ e/shap einference of the code at runtime. A unique feature of the runtime system is its capability to automatically adapt to changes in the underlying architecture, making it particularly useful for systems where predicting p erformance statically...