ln thippaper,weinvestigatethetra"ion ofH.263 video sequencesoverwireIessnetworkswith errorrecoveryprovided by a twostep adaptivehybrid ARQ schemeusingRS codes. Each videoframeis divided into data packets for transmission. For each padset transmission,by usingasimpletable-drivenapproach, thebest RScodeIsselected froma givenset of eodesto minimizethetransmfssionoverhead.Further, an additionaladaptation step is used to guaranteeeertalnQoS requirement. SiuIation resultsshowthat the proposed error recoveryscheme outperformsthe traditional siugle-codeschemesand the single-step error recoveryschemesthanks to its adaptabllityto both the wireless chaunel wuditionand the actualframelossevents. Keywords- Wirelessnetworh, adaptive hybrid ARQ, transmission gain, partial gain, trammission status, pseudo delivery deadline, frame iosp rate.
Daji Qiao, Kang G. Shin