

Autonomous Consistency Technique in Distributed Database with Heterogeneous Requirements

14 years 7 months ago
Autonomous Consistency Technique in Distributed Database with Heterogeneous Requirements
Recently, the diversified types of companies have been trying to cooperate among them to cope with the dynamic market and thus integration of their DBs with heterogeneous requirements is needed. But the conventional centralized approach has problems of fault-tolerance, real-time property and flexibility. Here, the autonomous consistency technique in distributed DB and its architecture are proposed. In this architecture, each site has the autonomy to determine Allowable Volume and to update the DB independently using it. In addition, this volume can be managed dynamically and successfully through autonomous communication among sites, and the system can achieve the adaptation to unpredictable user requirements. As an experimental result, it is shown that this mechanism can adaptively achieves users heterogeneous requirements. 1 Background As the Information Technology advances, the information sharing among companies is essential for business and the integration of their databases(DBs)...
Hideo Hanamura, Isao Kaji, Kinji Mori
Added 31 Jul 2010
Updated 31 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where IPPS
Authors Hideo Hanamura, Isao Kaji, Kinji Mori
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