

The Parallelization of a Knowledge Discovery System with Hypergraph Representation

14 years 5 months ago
The Parallelization of a Knowledge Discovery System with Hypergraph Representation
Abstract. Knowledge discovery is a time-consuming and space intensive endeavor. By distributing such an endeavor, we can diminish both time and space. System INDEDpronounced indeed" is an inductive implementation that performs rule discovery using the techniques of inductive logic programming and accumulates and handles knowledge using a deductive nonmonotonic reasoning engine. We present four schemes of transforming this large serial inductive logic programming ILP knowledge-based discovery system into a distributed ILP discovery system running on a Beowulf cluster. We also present our data partitioning algorithm based on locality used to accomplish the data decomposition used in the scenarios.
Jennifer Seitzer, James P. Buckley, Yi Pan, Lee A.
Added 31 Jul 2010
Updated 31 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where IPPS
Authors Jennifer Seitzer, James P. Buckley, Yi Pan, Lee A. Adams
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