

Congestion-Free Routing of Streaming Multimedia Content in BMIN-Based Parallel Systems

14 years 8 months ago
Congestion-Free Routing of Streaming Multimedia Content in BMIN-Based Parallel Systems
Abstract. Multimedia servers are increasingly employing parallel systems for the retrieval, scheduling and delivery of streaming multimedia content. However, given non-zero blocking probabilities in interconnection networks of most real parallel systems, jitter-free constant-rate delivery of streaming data cannot often be guaranteed. Such a guarantee can be best accomplished through the elimination of all congestion in the network. In this paper, we focus on folded Benes BMIN networks and achieve a fast convergence to congestion-free transmissions using an approach that combines ow-based adaptive routing with a distributed version of Opferman's looping algorithm. This combined approach signi cantly reduces the bu ering requirements at the receiving stations. In addition, it also achieves a low start-up delay, important for interactive web-based multimedia applications.
Harish Sethu
Added 31 Jul 2010
Updated 31 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where IPPS
Authors Harish Sethu
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