

Solving Problems on Parallel Computers by Cellular Programming

14 years 7 months ago
Solving Problems on Parallel Computers by Cellular Programming
Cellular automata can be used to design high-performance natural solvers on parallel computers. This paper describes the development of applications using CARPET, a high-level programming language based on the biology-inspired cellular automata theory. CARPET is a programming language designed for supporting the development of parallel high-performance software ing from the parallel architecture on which programs run. We introduce the main constructs of CARPET and discuss how the language can be effectively utilized to implement natural solvers of real-world complex problems such as forest fire and circuitry simulations. Performance figures of the experiments carried out on a MIMD parallel computer show the effectiveness of our approach both in terms of execution time and speedup.
Domenico Talia
Added 31 Jul 2010
Updated 31 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where IPPS
Authors Domenico Talia
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