

Practical Large Scale What-If Queries: Case Studies with Software Risk Assessment

14 years 7 months ago
Practical Large Scale What-If Queries: Case Studies with Software Risk Assessment
When a lack of data inhibits decision making, large scale what-if queries can be conducted over the uncertain parameter ranges. Such what-if queries can generate an overwhelming amount of data. We describe here a general method for understanding that data. Large scale what-if queries can guide Monte Carlo simulations of a model. Machine learning can then be used to summarize the output. The summarization is an ensemble of decision trees. The TARZAN system can poll the ensemble looking for majority conclusions regarding what factors change the classifications of the data. TARZAN can succinctly present the results from very large what-if queries. For example, in one of the studies presented here, we can view on   ¡ a page the significant features from ¢¤£¦¥ what-ifs.
Tim Menzies, Erik Sinsel
Added 31 Jul 2010
Updated 31 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where KBSE
Authors Tim Menzies, Erik Sinsel
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