

Mass Storage System Upgrades at the NASA Center for Computational Sciences

14 years 7 months ago
Mass Storage System Upgrades at the NASA Center for Computational Sciences
The NASA Center for Computational Sciences (NCCS) provides supercomputing and mass storage services to over 1200 Earth and space scientists. During the past two years, the mass storage system at the NCCS went through a great deal of changes both major and minor. Tape drives, silo control software, and the mass storage software itself were upgraded, and the mass storage platform was upgraded twice. Some of these upgrades were aimed at achieving year-2000 compliance, while others were simply upgrades to newer and better technologies. In this paper we will describe these upgrades.
Adina Tarshish, Ellen Salmon, Medora Macie, Marty
Added 01 Aug 2010
Updated 01 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where MSS
Authors Adina Tarshish, Ellen Salmon, Medora Macie, Marty Saletta
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