With the advance of applications such as multimedia, imagelspeech processing and real-time AI, real-time computing models allowing to express the “timeliness versus precision” trade-off are becoming increasingly popular. In the Imprecise Computation model, a task is divided into a mandatory part and an optionalpart. The mandatory part should be completed by the deadline even under worst-case scenario; however, the optional part refines the output of a mandatory part within the limits of the available computing capacity. A nondecreasing rewardfunction is associated with the execution of each optionalpart. Since the mandatoryparts have hard deadlines, provisions should be taken againstfaults which may occur during execution. An FT-Optimal framework allows the computation of a schedule that simultaneously maximizes the total reward and tolerates transientfaults of mandatory parts. In this paper, we extend the framework to a set of tasks with multiple deadlines, multiple recovery bloc...
Hakan Aydin, Rami G. Melhem, Daniel Mossé