

An intelligent tutoring system for deaf learners of written English

14 years 4 months ago
An intelligent tutoring system for deaf learners of written English
This paper describes progress toward a prototype implementation of a tool which aims to improve literacy in deaf high school and college students who are native (or near native) signers of American Sign Language (ASL). We envision a system that will take a piece of text written by a deaf student, analyze that text for grammatical errors, and engage that student in a tutorial dialogue, enabling the student to generate appropriate corrections to the text. A strong focus of this work is to develop a system which adapts this process to the knowledge level and learning strengths of the user and which has the flexibility to engage in multi-modal, multi-lingual tutorial instruction utilizing both English and the native language of the user. Keywords Intelligent tutoring systems, user modeling, English literacy, second language acquisition, American Sign Language
Lisa N. Michaud, Kathleen F. McCoy, Christopher A.
Added 01 Aug 2010
Updated 01 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Authors Lisa N. Michaud, Kathleen F. McCoy, Christopher A. Pennington
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