

MPICH-GQ: Quality-of-Service for Message Passing Programs

14 years 7 months ago
MPICH-GQ: Quality-of-Service for Message Passing Programs
Parallel programmers typically assume that all resources required for a program’s execution are dedicated to that purpose. However, in local and wide area networks, contention for shared networks, CPUs, and I/O systems can result in significant variations in availability, with consequent adverse effects on overall performance. We describe a new message-passing architecture, MPICH-GQ, that uses quality of service (QoS) mechanisms to manage contention and hence improve performance of message passing interface (MPI) applications. MPICH-GQ combines new QoS specification, traffic shaping, QoS reservation, and QoS implementation techniques to deliver QoS capabilities to the high-bandwidth bursty flows, complex structures, and reliable protocols used in highperformance applications—characteristics very different from the low-bandwidth, constant bit-rate media flows and unreliable protocols for which QoS mechanisms were designed. Results obtained on a differentiated services testbed ...
Alain J. Roy, Ian T. Foster, William Gropp, Nichol
Added 01 Aug 2010
Updated 01 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where SC
Authors Alain J. Roy, Ian T. Foster, William Gropp, Nicholas T. Karonis, Volker Sander, Brian R. Toonen
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