

COM revisited: tool-assisted modelling of an architectural framework

14 years 7 months ago
COM revisited: tool-assisted modelling of an architectural framework
Designing architectural frameworks without the aid of formal modeling is error prone. But, unless supported by analysis, formal modeling is prone to its own class of errors, in which formal statements fail to match the designer’s intent. A fully automatic analysis tool can rapidly expose such errors, and can make the process of constructing and refining a formal model more effective. This paper describes a case study in which we recast a model of Microsoft COM’s query interface and aggregation mechanism into Alloy, a lightweight notation for describing structures. We used Alloy’s analyzer to simulate the specification, to check properties and to evaluate changes. This allowed us to manipulate our model more quickly and with far greater confidence than would otherwise have been possible, resulting in a much simpler model and a better understanding of its key properties. Keywords Architectural style; integration frameworks; Microsoft COM; Alloy; constraint solver; formal specifica...
Daniel Jackson, Kevin J. Sullivan
Added 01 Aug 2010
Updated 01 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Authors Daniel Jackson, Kevin J. Sullivan
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