

Promoting Constraints to First-Class Status

14 years 4 months ago
Promoting Constraints to First-Class Status
Abstract. This paper proposes to promote constraints to first-class status. In contrast to constraint propagation, which performs inference on values of variables, first-class constraints allow reasoning about the constraints themselves. This lets the programmer access the current state of a constraint and control a constraint’s behavior directly, thus making powerful new programming and inference techniques possible, as the combination of constraint propagation and rewriting constraints `a la term rewriting. First-class constraints allow for true meta constraint programming. Promising applications in the field of combinatorial optimization include early unsatisfiability detection, constraint reformulation to improve propagation, garbage collection of redundant but not yet entailed constraints, and finding minimal inconsistent subsets of a given set of constraints for debugging immediately failing constraint programs. We demonstrate the above-mentioned applications by means of e...
Tobias Müller
Added 02 Aug 2010
Updated 02 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where CL
Authors Tobias Müller
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