

Widening Sharing

14 years 4 months ago
Widening Sharing
We study the problem of an efficient and precise sharing analysis of (constraint) logic programs. After recognizing that neither aring nor its non-redundant (but equivalent) abstraction scale well to real programs, we consider the domain proposed by C. Fecht [12, 13]. This domain consists of a combination of Pos with a quite weak abstraction of Sharing. While verifying that this domain is truly remarkable, in terms of both precision and efficiency, we have revealed significant precision losses for several real programs. This loss concerns groundness, pair-sharing, linearity, but not freeness. (Indeed, we have proved that a wide family of abstractions of Sharing do not incur precision loss on freeness.) We define a simple domain for sharing analysis that supports the implementation of several widening techniques. In particular, with this domain it is straightforward to turn Fecht's idea into a proper widening. More precise widenings are also considered. However, in spite of thoroug...
Enea Zaffanella, Roberto Bagnara, Patricia M. Hill
Added 02 Aug 2010
Updated 02 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1999
Where AGP
Authors Enea Zaffanella, Roberto Bagnara, Patricia M. Hill
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