

An MPEG-2 decoder case study as a driver for a system level design methodology

14 years 7 months ago
An MPEG-2 decoder case study as a driver for a system level design methodology
We present a case study on the design of a heterogeneous architecture for MPEG-2 video decoding. The primary objective of the case study is the validation of the SPADE methodology for architecture exploration. The case study demonstrates that this methodology provides a structured approach to the efficient evaluation of the performance of candidate architectures for selected benchmark applications. We learned that the MPEG-2 decoder can conveniently be modeled as a Kahn Process Network using a simple API. Abstract models of architectures can be constructed efficiently using a library of generic building blocks. A trace driven simulation e enables the use of these abstract models for performance analysis with correct handling of data dependent behavior. We performed a design space exploration to derive how the performance of the decoder depends on the busload and the frame rate.
Pieter van der Wolf, Paul Lieverse, Mudit Goel, Da
Added 02 Aug 2010
Updated 02 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1999
Authors Pieter van der Wolf, Paul Lieverse, Mudit Goel, David La Hei, Kees A. Vissers
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