

Coordination of Security Levels for Internet Architectures

14 years 5 months ago
Coordination of Security Levels for Internet Architectures
Internet systems provide a variety of ways to exchange information, contain large amounts and variety of data, and have become quite complex, making them vulnerable to attacks from determined hackers. There are many products used currently to stop these attacks but they suffer from lack of completeness, they only apply to one type of attack. Several mechanisms are needed for a comprehensive defense but this incurs in the problem of their lack of coordination, which can be exploited for attacks. We propose a way to coordinate different mechanisms based on a unified object-oriented modeling approach and a hierarchical architecture whose layers define the scope of each security mechanism.
Eduardo B. Fernández
Added 03 Aug 2010
Updated 03 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1999
Authors Eduardo B. Fernández
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