

Deriving Concept Hierarchies from Text

14 years 4 months ago
Deriving Concept Hierarchies from Text
This paper presents a means of automatically deriving a hierarchical organization of concepts from a set of documents without use of training data or standard clustering techniques. Instead, salient words and phrases extracted from the documents are organized hierarchically using a type of co-occurrence known as subsumption. The resulting structure is displayed as a series of hierarchical menus. When generated from a set of retrieved documents, a user browsing the menus is provided with a detailed overview of their content in a manner distinct from existing overview and summarization techniques. The methods used to build the structure are simple, but appear to be effective: a small-scale user study reveals that the generated hierarchy possesses properties expected of such a structure in that general terms are placed at the top levels leading to related and more specific terms below. The formation and presentation of the hierarchy is described along with the user study and some other i...
Mark Sanderson, W. Bruce Croft
Added 03 Aug 2010
Updated 03 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1999
Authors Mark Sanderson, W. Bruce Croft
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