

DjVu: Analyzing and Compressing Scanned Documents for Internet Distribution

14 years 4 months ago
DjVu: Analyzing and Compressing Scanned Documents for Internet Distribution
DjVu is an image compression technique specifically geared towards the compression of scanned documents in color at high resolution. Typical magazine pages in color scanned at 300dpi are compressed to between 40 and 80 KB, or 5 to 10 times smaller than with JPEG for a similar level of subjective quality. The foreground layer, which contains the text and drawings and requires high spatial resolution, is separated from the background layer, which contains pictures and backgrounds and requires less resolution. The foreground is compressed with a bi-tonal image compression technique that takes advantage of character shape similarities. The background is compressed with a new progressive, wavelet-based compression method. A real-time, memory efficient version of the decoder is available as a plug-in for popular web browsers.
Patrick Haffner, Léon Bottou, Paul G. Howar
Added 03 Aug 2010
Updated 03 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1999
Authors Patrick Haffner, Léon Bottou, Paul G. Howard, Yann LeCun
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