

Scalable Hardware-Algorithms for Binary Prefix Sums

14 years 7 months ago
Scalable Hardware-Algorithms for Binary Prefix Sums
Abstract. Themain contributionof thiswork isto propose a numberof broadcastefficient VLSI architectures for computing the sum and the prefix sums of a w k-bit, k 2, binary sequence using, as basic building blocks, linear arrays of at most w 2 shift switches. An immediate consequence of this feature is that in our designs broadcasts are limited to buses of length at most w 2 making them eminently practical. Using our design, the sum of a w k-bit binary sequence can be obtained in the time of 2k 0 2 broadcasts, using 2w k02 + O(w k03 ) blocks, while the corresponding prefix sums can be computed in 3k 04 broadcasts using (k + 2)w k02 + O(kw k03 ) blocks.
Rong Lin, Koji Nakano, Stephan Olariu, Maria Crist
Added 03 Aug 2010
Updated 03 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1999
Where IPPS
Authors Rong Lin, Koji Nakano, Stephan Olariu, Maria Cristina Pinotti, James L. Schwing, Albert Y. Zomaya
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