Abstract. In recent years, there has been a surge of interest in Javabased volunteer computing systems, which aim to make it possible to build very large parallel computing networks very quickly by enabling users to join a parallel computation by simply visiting a web page and running a Java applet on a standard browser. A key research issue in implementing such systems is that of choosing an appropriate programming model. While traditional models such as MPI-like message-passing can and have been ported to Java-based systems, they are not generally well-suited to the heterogeneous and dynamic structure of volunteer computing systems, where nodes can join and leave a computation at any time. In this paper, we present an implementation of the Bulk Synchronous Parallel BSP model, which provides programmers with familiar message-passing and remote memory primitives while remaining exible enough to be used in dynamic environments. We show how we have implemented this model using the Bayani...
Luis F. G. Sarmenta