

A Distributed System Reference Architecture for Adaptive QoS and Resource Management

14 years 7 months ago
A Distributed System Reference Architecture for Adaptive QoS and Resource Management
This paper deals with large, distributed real-time systems that have execution times and resource utilizations which cannot be characterized a priori. (The motivation for our work is provided in part by the characteristics of combat systems.) There are several implications of these characteristics: 1) demand space workload characterizations may need to be determined a posteriori, and 2) an adaptive approach to resource allocation may be necessary to accommodate dynamic workload changes. Thus, we present a scheme for dynamically managing distributed computing resources by continuously computing and assessing QoS and resource utilization metrics that are determined a posteriori. Specifically, the paper presents an adaptive distributed system reference architecture that is suitable for such an approach. This reference architecture provides the capabilities and infrastructure needed to construct multi-component, replicated, distributed object real-time systems that negotiate for a given le...
Lonnie R. Welch, Michael W. Masters, Leslie A. Mad
Added 03 Aug 2010
Updated 03 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1999
Where IPPS
Authors Lonnie R. Welch, Michael W. Masters, Leslie A. Madden, David T. Marlow, Philip M. Irey IV, Paul V. Werme, Behrooz Shirazi
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