

Correlated Load-Address Predictors

14 years 4 months ago
Correlated Load-Address Predictors
As microprocessors become faster, the relative performance cost of memory accesses increases. Bigger and faster caches significantly reduce the absolute load-to-use time delay. However, increase in processor operational frequencies impairs the relative load-to-use latency, measured in processor cycles (e.g. from two cycles on the Pentium
Michael Bekerman, Stéphan Jourdan, Ronny Ro
Added 03 Aug 2010
Updated 03 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1999
Where ISCA
Authors Michael Bekerman, Stéphan Jourdan, Ronny Ronen, Gilad Kirshenboim, Lihu Rappoport, Adi Yoaz, Uri Weiser
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