

Specification of Cooperative Constraints in Virtual Enterprise Workflow

14 years 4 months ago
Specification of Cooperative Constraints in Virtual Enterprise Workflow
Workflow systems are an emerging technology which have become increasingly important in the drive for business to provide better services and increase productivity. Intuitively, workflow applications are processes which automate and regulate the movement and execution of a number of work, across one or more servers, according to business defined rules and routes. Lacking in the current workflow products is a way to specify both the temporal and the obligations constraints that are inherent for effective and flexible flow of information among the activities. We propose using propositional temporal logic for specifying and reasoning over the temporal constraints in workflow's activities and complement it with deontic logic which is used to specify commitments of participants in the course of the workflow. These two approaches are combined by enforcing all messages to be communicated using a pre-defined speech act primitives. By capturing these two important constraints in workflow,...
Anne H. H. Ngu
Added 04 Aug 2010
Updated 04 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1999
Where RIDE
Authors Anne H. H. Ngu
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