In this paper; we describe optimal algorithmsfor incorporating error recovery in the imprecise computation model. In that model eack task compriser a mandatory and an optional part. The mandatory part must be completed within the task's deadline even in the presence of faults and a rewardfunction is associated with the execution of each optional part. Weaddress the problem of optimal scheduling in an imprecise computation environment so as to maximize total reward while simultaneously guaranteeing timely completion of recovery operations whenfaults OCCUI: Furthermore, in order to prevent run-time overhead we enforce that no changes in the optimal schedule should be necessary as long as no error is detected in mandatory parts. Independent imprecise computation tasks as well as tasks with an end-to-end deadline and linearprecedence constraints are considered. Wepresent polynomial-time optimal algorithms for models with upper and lower bounds on execution times of the optional parts...
Hakan Aydin, Rami G. Melhem, Daniel Mossé