An important activity in the design of a particular database application consists in identifying the integrity constraints that must hold on the database, and that are used to detect and evaluate inconsistencies. It is possible to improve data quality by imposing constraints upon data entered into the database. These constraints must be identified and recorded at the database design level. However, it is clear that modeling geographic data requires models which are more specific and capable of capturing the semantics of geographic data. Within a geographic context, topological relations and other spatial relationships are fundamentally important in the definition of spatial integrity rules. This paper discusses the relationship that exists between the nature of spatial information, spatial relationships, and spatial integrity constraints, and proposes the use of OMT-G, an extension of the OMT model for geographic applications, at an early stage in the specification of integrity constr...
Karla A. V. Borges, Alberto H. F. Laender, Clodove