

SAR Image Processing Using Artificial Intelligence Planning

14 years 7 months ago
SAR Image Processing Using Artificial Intelligence Planning
—In recent times, improvements in imaging technology have made available an incredible array of information in image format. While powerful and sophisticated image processing software tools are available to prepare and analyze the data, these tools are complex and cumbersome, requiring significant expertise to properly operate. Thus, in order to extract (e.g., mine or analyze) useful information from the data, a user (in our case a scientist) often must possess both significant science and image processing expertise. This paper describes the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) planning techniques to represent scientific, image processing, and software tool knowledge to automate elements of science data preparation and analysis of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery for planetary geology. In particular, we describe the Automated SAR Image Processing system (ASIP) which is currently in use by the Department of Geology at Arizona State University (ASU) supporting aeolian science anal...
Forest Fisher, Steve A. Chien, Edisanter Lo, Ronal
Added 04 Aug 2010
Updated 04 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1999
Authors Forest Fisher, Steve A. Chien, Edisanter Lo, Ronald Greeley
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