

Frontier: A Fast Placement System for FPGAs

14 years 7 months ago
Frontier: A Fast Placement System for FPGAs
In this paper we describe Frontier, an FPGA placement system that uses design macro-blocks in conjuction with a series of placement algorithms to achieve highly-routable and high-performance layouts quickly. In the first stage of design placement, a macro-based floorplanner is used to quickly identify an initial layout based on inter-macro connectivity. Next, an FPGA routability metric, previously described in [14], is used to evaluate the quality of the initial placement. Finally, if the floorplan is determined to be unroutable, a feedback-driven placement perturbation step is employed to achieve a lower cost placement. For a collection of large reconfigurable computing benchmark circuits our placement system exhibits a 4× speedup in combined place and route time versus commercial FPGA CAD software with improved design performance for most designs. It is shown that floorplanning, routability evaluation, and back-end optimization are all necessary to achieve efficient placement ...
Russell Tessier
Added 04 Aug 2010
Updated 04 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1999
Where IFIP
Authors Russell Tessier
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