

Group Support Systems in Primary Processes

14 years 4 months ago
Group Support Systems in Primary Processes
Software has migrated from large mainframe based support to personal computer support and more recently to groupware or, more specifically, group support systems (GSS). GSS products (e.g., GroupSystems) have undergone transitions or waves over the past ten years as application has evolved. This paper examines the waves that have occurred and are occurring with application and diffusion of GSS in organizational contexts. We suggest that GroupSystems has experienced three waves of users:1st: scientists (innovation driven), 2nd: consultants (facilitator driven) and 3rd: into primary processes (application driven). Examples are provided to illustrate application. Special attention is given to the use of GSS for software inspection and the use of GSS in the classroom. The paper also provides an explanation for the discrepancy between the potential of GSS technology and its rather limited use to date.
Michiel van Genuchten, Douglas R. Vogel, Jay F. Nu
Added 04 Aug 2010
Updated 04 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1998
Authors Michiel van Genuchten, Douglas R. Vogel, Jay F. Nunamaker
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