

Mining GPS Data to Augment Road Models

14 years 7 months ago
Mining GPS Data to Augment Road Models
Many advanced safety and navigation applications in vehicles require accurate, detailed digital maps, but manual lane measurements are expensive and time-consuming, making automated techniques desirable. This paper describes a data-mining approach to map refinement, using position traces that come from Global Positioning System receivers with differential corrections. The computed lane models enable safety applications, such as lanekeeping, and convenience applications, such as lane-changing advice. Experiments show that, starting from a baseline map that is commercially available, our lane models predict a vehicle’s lane with high accuracy from a small number of passesover a particular road segment. Multiple position traces are a powerful new source of data that enables cheap, automated methods of inducing lane models, as well as other geographic knowledge, like traffic signals and elevations, and potentially impacts any geographic information system with a need to relate to actual...
Seth Rogers, Pat Langley, Christopher Wilson
Added 04 Aug 2010
Updated 04 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1999
Where KDD
Authors Seth Rogers, Pat Langley, Christopher Wilson
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