

Evaluating the Overheads of Source-Directed Quality-of-Service Routing

14 years 5 months ago
Evaluating the Overheads of Source-Directed Quality-of-Service Routing
Quality-of-service (QoS) routing satisfiesapplication performance requirements and optimizes network resource usage but effective path-selection schemes require the distribution of link-state information, which can impose a significant burden on the bandwidth and processing resources in the network. We investigate the fundamental trade-off between network overheads and the quality of routing decisions in the context of the source-directed linkstate routing protocols proposed for future IP and ATM networks. Throughextensivesimulation experimentswith several representative network topologies and traffic patterns, we uncoverthe effects of stale link-state information, random fluctuations in traffic load, and variations of the link-cost metric on the routing and signalling overheads. The paperconcludesby summarizing our keyresults as a list of guidelines for designing efficient quality-of-service routing policies in large backbone networks.
Anees Shaikh, Jennifer Rexford, Kang G. Shin
Added 04 Aug 2010
Updated 04 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1998
Where ICNP
Authors Anees Shaikh, Jennifer Rexford, Kang G. Shin
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