

Metaprogramming Domain Specific Metaprograms

14 years 6 months ago
Metaprogramming Domain Specific Metaprograms
When a metaprogram automatically creates rules, some created rules are useless because they can never apply. Some metarules, that we call impossibility metarules, are used to remove useless rules. Some of these metarules are general and apply to any generated program. Some are domain specific metarules. In this paper, we show how dynamic metaprogramming can be used to create domain specific impossibility metarules. Applying metaprogramming to impossibility metaprogramming avoids writing specific metaprogram for each domain metaprogramming is applied to. Our metametaprograms have been used to write metaprograms that write search rules for different games and planning domains. They write programs that write selective and efficient search programs.
Tristan Cazenave
Added 04 Aug 2010
Updated 04 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1999
Authors Tristan Cazenave
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