

Building Tcl-Tk GUIs for HRT-HOOD systems

14 years 7 months ago
Building Tcl-Tk GUIs for HRT-HOOD systems
This work explores Tcl-Tk 8.0 as a tool to easily build script based GUIs for Ada95 realtime systems. Tcl-Tk 8.0 is a library that makes graphic programming easier, but it suffers from being not thread-safe. TASH is a thick binding that allows Ada95 single threaded code to use Tcl-Tk. An application architecture is proposed, the deferred server, that provides transparent use of Tcl-Tk to multithreaded Ada95 applications vía TASH. We've found that only a minimal extension to Tcl-Tk 8.0 and TASH is required to support it, and a successful prototype has been implemented based on these ideas. Then, the early integration of Tcl-Tk graphic user interfaces in HRT-HOOD designs is investigated and, unfortunately, we conclude that this is not possible. However, a HRT-HOOD conform distributed configuration is outlined where the user interface becomes a multithreaded remote service based on the deferred server architecture.
Juan Carlos Díaz Martín, Isidro Iral
Added 05 Aug 2010
Updated 05 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1999
Authors Juan Carlos Díaz Martín, Isidro Irala Veloso, José Manuel Rodríguez García
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