

SIMD and Mixed-Mode Implementations of a Visual Tracking Algorithm

14 years 7 months ago
SIMD and Mixed-Mode Implementations of a Visual Tracking Algorithm
This paper describes the implementation of a featurebased visual tracking algorithm on a SIMD MasPar MP-1 and the mixed-mode PASM prototype. The sequential algorithm is introduced and a parallel version of the algorithm is described. Aspects of the mapping of this algorithm onto both machines are presented. Real image data was used to obtain timing results for all experiments. For the SIMD implementation, the performance of each subtask of the algorithm is measured as a function of submachine size used. For the subtask of finding the best match of a feature in an image, different implementations using architectural properties are compared, and a load balancing approach is examined. For the mixed-mode implementation, the best execution mode for each subtask is determined and the results are analyzed.
Mark Bernd Kulaczewski, Howard Jay Siegel
Added 05 Aug 2010
Updated 05 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1998
Where IPPS
Authors Mark Bernd Kulaczewski, Howard Jay Siegel
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