

Query Optimization for XML

14 years 7 months ago
Query Optimization for XML
XML is an emerging standard for data representation and exchange on the World-Wide Web. Due to the nature of information on the Web and the inherent flexibility of XML, we expect that much of the data encoded in XML will be semistructured: the data may be irregular or incomplete, and its structure may change rapidly or unpredictably. This paper describes the query processor of Lore, a DBMS for XML-based data supporting an expressive query language. We focus primarily on Lore’s cost-based query optimizer. While all of the usual problems associated with cost-based query optimization apply to XML-based query languages, a number of additional problems arise, such as new kinds of indexing, more complicated notions of database statistics, and vastly different query execution strategies for different databases. We define appropriate logical and physical query plans, database statistics, and a cost model, and we describe plan enumeration including heuristics for reducing the large search ...
Jason McHugh, Jennifer Widom
Added 05 Aug 2010
Updated 05 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1999
Where VLDB
Authors Jason McHugh, Jennifer Widom
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