

Automated Software Test Data Generation for Complex Programs

14 years 6 months ago
Automated Software Test Data Generation for Complex Programs
We report on GADGET, a new software test generation system that uses combinatorial optimization to obtain condition/decision coverage of C/C++ programs. The GADGET system is fully automatic and supports all C/C++ language constructs. This allows us to generate tests for programs more complex than those previously reported in the literature. We address a numberof issues that are encountered when automatically generating tests for complex software systems. These issues have not been discussed in earlier work on test-data generation, which concentrates on small programs (most often single functions) written in restricted programming languages. 1 Dynamic test data generation In this paper, we introduce the GADGET system, which uses a test data generation paradigm commonly known as dynamic test data generation. Dynamic test data generation was originally proposed by Miller and Spooner, 1976] and then investigated further with the TESTGEN system of Korel, 1990,Korel, 1996], the QUEST/Ada sy...
Christoph C. Michael, Gary McGraw
Added 05 Aug 2010
Updated 05 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1998
Where KBSE
Authors Christoph C. Michael, Gary McGraw
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