

Distributed Algorithms for Attack Localization in All-Optical Networks

14 years 6 months ago
Distributed Algorithms for Attack Localization in All-Optical Networks
All-Optical Networks provide ultra-fast data rates, but present a new set of challenges for network security. We present a new algorithm for attack localization in networks. The algorithm is distributed and requires only local information. The algorithm can localize attacks for a variety of network applications. This algorithm is particularly well suited to the requirements of All-Optical Networks because it provides fast, reliable response to attacks. In particular we apply it to two common forms of rapid optical network restoration: automatic protection switching and loopback.
Ruth Bergman, Muriel Médard, Serena Chan
Added 05 Aug 2010
Updated 05 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1998
Where NDSS
Authors Ruth Bergman, Muriel Médard, Serena Chan
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