

Optimizing Logic Design Using Boolean Transforms

14 years 7 months ago
Optimizing Logic Design Using Boolean Transforms
When a Boolean function is transformed by exclusiveOR with a suitably selected transform function, the new functzon is often synthesized wzth significantly reduced hardware. `I'he transform function M separately synthesized and the ortgmal functton is recovered as an exclusive-OR of the two functtons. We select the transform to reduce the number of cubes in the function to be synthesized. The function is represented as a Shannon ezpansion about selected vartables. A transform functton M constructed such that a selected set of cofactors is cent plemented to minimize the overall number of cubes. Examples of single-output functions show an atierage area reduction of 19%. For a multiple-output function, transformations can be customized for each output.
Pramit Chavda, James Jacob, Vishwani D. Agrawal
Added 05 Aug 2010
Updated 05 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1998
Authors Pramit Chavda, James Jacob, Vishwani D. Agrawal
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