

Quality Assessment of Compression Techniques for Synthetic Aperture Radar Images

15 years 3 months ago
Quality Assessment of Compression Techniques for Synthetic Aperture Radar Images
Synthetic aperture radar SAR systems are mounted on airplanesand satellites, which have limited downlink and storage capacity, yet SAR image sequences may be produced at rates of several Gbps. Compression is di cult because SAR images contain signi cant highfrequency information, such as terrain boundaries and terrain texture. In assessing the quality of compressed images, peak signal-to-noise ratio and mean-squared error are inadequate because they assume that distortion is solely due to image-independent additive noise. In this paper, we provide objective measures to assess the visual quality of SAR images compressed by JPEG and SPIHT coders. The human visual system responds di erently to linear distortion and noise injection nonlinear distortion plus additive noise. Our key contributions are that we 1 decouple and quantify the linear distortion and noise injection in JPEG and SPIHT coders, and 2 introduce a new edge correlationquality measure which we use to quantify nonlinear dist...
Güner Arslan, Magesh Valliappan, Brian L. Eva
Added 25 Oct 2009
Updated 26 Oct 2009
Type Conference
Year 1999
Where ICIP
Authors Güner Arslan, Magesh Valliappan, Brian L. Evans
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