

Serpent and Smartcards

14 years 4 months ago
Serpent and Smartcards
We proposed a new block cipher, Serpent, as a candidate for the Advanced Encryption Standard. This algorithm uses a new structure that simultaneously allows a more rapid avalanche, a more efficient bitslice implementation, and an easy analysis that enables us to demonstrate its security against all known types of attack. Although designed primarily for efficient implementation on Intel Pentium/MMX platforms, it is also suited for implementation on smartcards and other 8-bit processors. In this note we describe why. We also describe why many other candidates are not suitable.
Ross J. Anderson, Eli Biham, Lars R. Knudsen
Added 05 Aug 2010
Updated 05 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1998
Authors Ross J. Anderson, Eli Biham, Lars R. Knudsen
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