

Elimination Forest Guided 2D Sparse LU Factorization

14 years 7 months ago
Elimination Forest Guided 2D Sparse LU Factorization
Sparse LU factorization with partial pivoting is important for many scienti c applications and delivering high performance for this problem is di cult on distributed memory machines. Our previous work has developed an approach called S that incorporates static symbolic factorization, supernode partitioning and graph scheduling. This paper studies the properties of elimination forests and uses them to guide supernode partitioning/amalgamation and execution scheduling. The new design with 2D mapping e ectively identi es dense structures without introducing too many zeros in the BLAS computation and exploits asynchronous parallelism with low bu er space cost. The implementation of this code, called S+, uses supernodal matrix multiplication which retains the BLAS-3 level e ciency and avoids unnecessary arithmetic operations. The experiments show that S+ improves our previous code substantially and
Kai Shen, Xiangmin Jiao, Tao Yang
Added 05 Aug 2010
Updated 05 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1998
Where SPAA
Authors Kai Shen, Xiangmin Jiao, Tao Yang
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