

HySpirit - A Probabilistic Inference Engine for Hypermedia Retrieval in Large Databases

14 years 7 months ago
HySpirit - A Probabilistic Inference Engine for Hypermedia Retrieval in Large Databases
Abstract. HySpirit is a retrieval engine for hypermedia retrieval integrating concepts from information retrieval (IR) and deductive databases. The logical view on IR models retrieval as uncertain inference, for which we use probabilistic reasoning. Since the expressiveness of classical IR models is not su cient for hypermedia retrieval, HySpirit is based on a probabilistic version of Datalog. In hypermedia retrieval, di erent nodes may contain contradictory information; thus, we introduce probabilistic four-valued Datalog. In order to support fact queries as well as contentbased retrieval, HySpirit is based on an open world assumption, but allows for predicate-speci c closed world assumptions. For performing e cient retrieval on large databases, our system provides access to external data. We demonstrate the application of HySpirit by giving examples for retrieval on images, structured documents and large databases.
Norbert Fuhr, Thomas Rölleke
Added 05 Aug 2010
Updated 05 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1998
Where EDBT
Authors Norbert Fuhr, Thomas Rölleke
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