This paper describes the architecture and operation of a Multi Agent system for providing end users with an intelligent interface for video conference and cooperative work services. The system consists of negotiating Agents: the Personal Communication Agents offers the user an intelligent interface to the service, it negotiates the best conditions in terms of quality of service and costs, the Service Provider Agent (SPA) supports the provisioning of telecommunication services to customers; the Network Provisioning Agent (NPA) provides network connectivity upon requests from the SPA. The physical setting is made up network nodes interconnected through two Public Networks; the Internet and ISDN. Network nodes are based on PCs running Windows 95 /windows NT, and Unix work stations. The system is being developed as part of the EURESCOM P712 project. The objective of the project is to assess and make recommendations on the applicability of intelligent and mobile agent technology to telecomm...
Francisco J. Garijo, Juan Tous, José M. Mat