

Computable Obstructions to Wait-free Computability

14 years 5 months ago
Computable Obstructions to Wait-free Computability
Abstract. We show how to associate e ectively computableobstructions to a waitfree distributed decision task (I;O; ) in the asynchronous shared-memory, readwrite model. The key new ingredient of this work is the association of a simplicial complex T , the task complex, to the input-output relation . There is a simplicial map fromthe taskcomplexto theinputcomplexI, and is determinedby thetask. The existenceof a wait-freeprotocolsolvingthe taskimpliesthatthe map induced in homology must surject, and thus the non-zero elements of the cokernel of are obstructionsto solvability of the task. These obstructions are e ectivelycomputable when using suitable homologytheories, such as mod-2 simplicialhomology. Functors other than homology can be substituted, although the obstructions obtained may not be computable. We also extend the Herlihy-Shavit Theorem on Spans to the case of protocols that are anonymous relative to the action of a group, provided the action is suitably rigid. For such rigid ...
John Havlicek
Added 06 Aug 2010
Updated 06 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1997
Where FOCS
Authors John Havlicek
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