

Portable Implementation of Real-Time Signal Processing Benchmarks on HPC Platforms

14 years 7 months ago
Portable Implementation of Real-Time Signal Processing Benchmarks on HPC Platforms
Abstract. For the evaluation of HPC systems for real-time signal processing, real-time benchmarks have recently been proposed by the US DoD signal processing and HPC communities. For the implementation of real-time benchmarks, we have developed e cient communication algorithms for M-to-N K-block-cyclic communication. Using our algorithms, we have implemented real-time 2D-FFT and Corner Turn benchmarks that have been de ned by MITRE and Rome Lab on SP2 and T3E. Our results show that the number of processors required to perform the 2D-FFT benchmark was reduced by up to 53% compared with earlier implementation. The total corner turn time was also reduced by up to 78%. The performance of IBM SP2 and SGI/Cray T3E are compared using these benchmarks.
Jinwoo Suh, Viktor K. Prasanna
Added 06 Aug 2010
Updated 06 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1998
Where PARA
Authors Jinwoo Suh, Viktor K. Prasanna
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