

Spatio-temporal Access in Persistent Java

14 years 7 months ago
Spatio-temporal Access in Persistent Java
Persistent programming languages are targetted primarily at application systems involving complex data structures and relationships, as typi ed by Geographical Information Systems GIS. The many sophisticated GIS products available today were developed before concepts like persistence and objectorientation had been well-established, and there is an urgent need to construct new GIS technology that can bene t from the advances made in these two areas of Computer Science. This will not only alleviate problems in existing GIS systems caused by the impedance mismatch, but can also expand its capabilities by providing for e ective spatio-temporal manipulation of geographic data. The popularity, accessibility and characteristics of JavaTM make it a very attractive vehicle for this. In this paper we propose an architecture for spatiotemporal data access in PJama. We describe our prototype implementation of this architecture along with its application in a marine biology project. Initial result...
Sonia Berman, R. Southern, A. Vasey, D. Ziskind
Added 06 Aug 2010
Updated 06 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1998
Where POS
Authors Sonia Berman, R. Southern, A. Vasey, D. Ziskind
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