

Nonlinear Interpolators for Old Movie Restoration

15 years 4 months ago
Nonlinear Interpolators for Old Movie Restoration
A nonlinear interpolat,or using a rational function filter is applied to the restoration of image sequence frames of digitized old movies. Samples to be interpolated are due to stationary and random defects. The interpolator is preceded by a defect localization algorithm. The performance of the proposed interpolator has been assessed on several sequences and compared with a classical morphological operator. The hardware implementation of the proposed rational interpolator is also considered. Simu1a.tionsshow that the interpolated frames with the proposed operator are free from blockiness and jaggedness which are very difficult to avoid when using linear operators.
Etienne Decencière Ferrandiere, Giovanni Ra
Added 25 Oct 2009
Updated 25 Oct 2009
Type Conference
Year 1999
Where ICIP
Authors Etienne Decencière Ferrandiere, Giovanni Ramponi, Lazhar Khriji, Moncef Gabbouj, Stefano Marsi
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