

Decidable and Undecidable Second-Order Unification Problems

14 years 6 months ago
Decidable and Undecidable Second-Order Unification Problems
There is a close relationship between word unification and second-order unification. This similarity has been exploited for instance for proving decidability of monadic second-order unification. Word unification can be easily decided by transformation rules (similar to the ones applied in higher-order unification procedures) when variables are restricted to occur at most twice. Hence a well-known open question was the decidability of second-order unification under this same restriction. Here we answer this question negatively by reducing simultaneous rigid E-unification to second-order unification. This reduction, together with an inverse reduction found by Degtyarev and Voronkov, states an equivalence relationship between both unification problems. Our reduction is in some sense reversible, providing decidability results for cases when simultaneous rigid E-unification is decidable. This happens, for example, for one-variable problems where the variable occurs at most twice (because ri...
Jordi Levy
Added 06 Aug 2010
Updated 06 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1998
Where RTA
Authors Jordi Levy
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